Stewart Campbell Stewart Campbell

Year One in Review

Artist Communications Agency was established in September 2023. For the inaugural blogpost on our refreshed website, we take a look back at our first year in business.

Where it all started

Artists think in images. Communicators think in words. To translate art into stories requires special skills, knowledge and experience.

I started this business in 2023 with a passion for telling artists’ stories. After spending time working in public relations at a commercial gallery, I realized that something was missing from the equation: communications experts talking directly to artists to tell the stories they want told.

Art is unique because the history of painting, sculpture, performance and other mediums is so important to understanding the work that living artists are making today. Knowing what inspires an artist every day — what books they’re reading, what art they’re looking at, what parties they’re going to — informs the art they create every day.

Having close relationships with artists — as clients — who share this information and trust you to turn this into clear messaging about their work is the most powerful way to ensure that an artist is seen by the world in the way they would like to be seen.

A modest beginning

During our first year in business, ACA has had the immense privilege of working closely with four artists: Lisa Solberg, Innocent Nkurunziza, Michael Gaillard and Meg Jorgenson. We have also had the opportunity to work with artists through institutions with which they have relationships: Inema Arts, KODA and others.

We are proud of the work that we have accomplished for these clients. They each bring unique styles, visions and practices to the world. Our impact can be measured by the value of the publicity we have secured. However, as with all public relations work, often the most value for the client is the way that the process of working with a communications expert influences how they think about their own work.

When a client understands how the public perceives them, their appreciation for their own value expands.

Thinking about year two

Our goals in the next year are two-fold: create better results for our current clients and and grow our client roster to support more artists.

The work that artists do and the role that art plays in society is so important. It is a blessing and a privilege to be able to work with these artists as they bring a new world into reality through the objects and images they create.

Thank you

Thank you for following along, and thank you to the artists and institutions that have trusted ACA to join them. We are all in on supporting your mission to hold up mirrors and windows so that the world can better understand itself.

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